What is HIFU?
HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is an abbreviation for high intensity focused ultrasound. It focuses ultrasound at one point and provides a lifting effect without the use of a scalpel.
At our clinic, we use an irradiation method that takes advantage of anatomical characteristics, which makes it easier to achieve a greater lifting effect.

Features of HIFU

It is possible to irradiate deep layers from the dermis to the SMAS fascia layer.
By targeting the subcutaneous tissue and the SMAS fascia layer, which is the cause of sagging, collagen production and proliferation occurs in the process of repairing tissue that has shrunk due to heat damage, tightening the inside of the skin, improving sagging and leading to lifted, firmer skin.
● Lifting and improving sagging skin
● Improves fine lines
Collagen production
Treatment Overview
This treatment is an elective medical treatment.
HIFU procedure
1. Counseling
A plastic surgeon will examine you and recommend treatment options.
2. Preparation for treatment
Please remove your makeup before the treatment.
Before your treatment, we will fine-tune the equipment to suit your individual concerns and requests.
3. Treatment
A gel will be applied to the treatment area and the treatment will begin.
We will proceed by conducting test irradiation and checking.
Treatment period and frequency
The treatment will depend on the patient's symptoms, so we will decide after you have examined them.
Risks and Side Effects
There may be a slight redness, but you can wear makeup immediately after the treatment.
There is almost no pain.
People with heart disease
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Those who have silicone or gold threads embedded
During pregnancy
Those who may be pregnant
Those with keloid tendencies
Those with a fever
Those with infections or severe skin diseases in the treatment area
Bleeding disorders